Simple Okra Stir Fry

Okra or Vendakka is liked by everyone in our family. This vegetable is supposed to have great health benefits as this is high in Vitamin C, Potassium, calcium and folate. This has different names – Bhindi, Lady’s finger, Okra and Vendakkai to name a few.

This recipe is a very simple stir fry – Mezhukkupuratti as we call in Malayalam. The cooking time is also very less and can be enjoyed with Rice or Chapathi.

Simple Okra Stir Fry


Chopped Okra 3 cups
Chopped Pearl onions a handful
Mustard seeds 1 tsp
Turmeric 1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
Curry leaves as needed
Salt as needed
Oil 2 tbsp


1. Wash the Ladies’ fingers and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. This step is very important. If you miss this, there are chances for your stir fry to become soggy and lose its texture.

2. In a frying pan, add oil, mustard seeds and curry leaves in order. Once the mustard seeds splutter, add the finely chopped onions and let them brown a little. This is optional. You can also make stir fry without adding onions. In fact, my mother always prepares this without onions. I like to add them in my dishes as I like the flavour.

3. After the onions are cooked, add turmeric, red chilli powder and then add chopped okra. Cook it on a medium flame. I always cook them in a open pan. If we close the pan, the dish might lose its texture. Keep a close eye while cooking. Add the required amount of salt and cook for about 10 – 12 minutes until it is done.

4. Serve hot with Rice or Chapathi. I had it with Rice and Tomato Rasam which is my daughter’s favourite combination.

Simple Okra Stir Fry 2

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