Eggless Banana Walnut Muffin

I was just browsing through one of my favourite food blogs, Rak’s Kitchen for a snack recipe and I came across an eggless muffin recipe. It sounded exciting as it did not have any butter or eggs but walnuts and bananas. I am not very fond of bananas in bread or muffin but I decided to give it a try. All of the ingredients were readily available in the kitchen. I should admit – It came out so well that I have decided to make this often at home. My daughter does not like walnuts but she enjoyed these muffins. I followed the recipe from Rak’s kitchen exactly and I would like to thank the author Raji for such a nice recipe.

Banana Walnut Muffin 2

For the original recipe, click here.

Muffins right out of the oven..

Banana Walnut Muffin 1

The bananas and baking soda act as replacement for the eggs in this recipe. This is my first attempt to make an eggless muffin and this has given me confidence to bake eggless cakes in future. If you are a person like me who is hesitant to bake with bananas, then this recipe is for you.

banana walnut muffin 4


Enjoy with your favourite drink..I had the muffins with a cup of Green Tea..Please let me know if you like this recipe and thanks for visiting my blog..

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