Dairy free Cinnamon Rolls

I was so excited when I saw this recipe on G Donna’s space and was eager to try it. I have had cinnamon rolls once or twice from Cinnabon and never thought that it would be so easy to bake them dairy free. My daughter was very happy when she saw these lovelies and they were finished in no time..This is a perfect treat for little ones and the recipe is so simple.

Dairy free Cinamon Rolls 2

Ingredients for the rolls:

All purpose flour 2 1/4 cup + extra for dusting if necessary
Sugar 2 tbsp + 2 tsp for filling
Cinnamon powder 1.5 tbsp
Olive oil 1/4 – 1/2 cup as necessary
Yeast 2 tbsp
Salt 1/2 tbsp
Dairy free Chocolate bits(optional) as needed
Lukewarm water 1/2 cup + 1/2 cup

Ingredients for icing:

Icing sugar / Confectioners’ sugar 1 cup
Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
Water 2 tbsp


1. In a mixing bowl, sieve 2 cups of flour mixed with the salt.

2. In a small bowl, mix sugar with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water. Add yeast to it and keep aside for 5 – 10 minutes.

3. When the yeast has risen, add the yeast mixture, 1/4 cup of olive oil and the remaining 1/2 cup of luke warm water to the flour and mix well. Knead it to a soft dough. While kneading, add the remaining flour also little by little until all the flour is incorporated well. The original recipe called for 3 cups of flour in total, but when I made, 2 1/4 cups worked perfect for me. I just needed a tiny bit more for dusting. You will understand how much you need as you knead the dough.

4. After kneading for about 5 -10  minutes, transfer the dough into a greased bowl (I used olive oil for greasing) and cover it with a cling foil and keep aside for 30 minutes.

5. After 30 minutes, the dough would have become double in size. Punch it down and knead it for 2 more minutes. Roll it into a rectangle (mine was slightly round) and brush with olive oil. Top it with cinnamon powder, 2 tsp sugar and chocolate chips or bits (you can use your favourite topping, the original recipe calls for raisins) as shown in the picture.

Cinnamon Rolls making 16. Roll it  and cut it as spirals.

Cinnamon Rolls making 2

7. Grease the pan with olive oil and arrange them as shown and leave it aside for another 30 minutes on your counter top.

Cinnamon Rolls making 3

8. Preheat the oven to 350F.

9. After the rolls have risen again for 30 minutes, bake them for about 25 – 30 minutes. Cool them a bit. Do not cool them fully as the icing needs to be poured on to slightly warm rolls.

Cinnamon Rolls making 4

Preparation of the icing:

10. In a bowl, mix together the confectioners’ sugar, vanilla essence and water. Adjust the amount of confectioners’ sugar according to the desired consistency.

11. Pour the icing on top of the warm rolls.

12. Serve the yummy dairy free cinnamon rolls with your kids’ favourite drink.

Dairy free Cinamon Rolls 3

Did you like the recipe? Did you notice that these are eggless, nut free and vegan too? Let me know what you think of these beauties..

I will be back soon with another dairy free recipe..Enjoy cooking!!!



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