About me




Hi there,

My name is Subha Rajesh and I am from India. I am married to the best husband and I am the mom to the best daughter in the world. Being a food enthusiast, I love trying all kinds of cuisines and it has become much easier now as I live in the city of Dubai, with its wide range of multicultural dining options. I was very interested in cooking right from my childhood and have always admired my mom for being a great cook. She cooks the best traditional dishes from Kerala and has been the greatest inspiration for me in cooking. My husband gives me genuine opinion of all the dishes that I cook and my daughter is the greatest motivation for me to try new ingredients in my kitchen. This space is a platform for me to share my experiences as a foodie and to learn more from my readers and fellow bloggers.

Why are the recipes dairy free?

I thought of making this blog helpful for people suffering with milk allergy (cow’s milk protein allergy) as I also struggle to find dairy free recipes to cook for my daughter who is allergic to milk.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and please feel free to share what you think about my recipes and posts.




  • itsPotluck says:

    Hello there

    You have a great blog with some great recipes and awesome photography. I am reaching out to you from http://www.itspotluck.com a social platform for Indian/Desi food lovers. It is a community of hundreds of food bloggers with thousands of recipes and counting. You might find some fellow bloggers from India and abroad as well on our platform.

    The current services are just a beginning and we will be adding additional functionalities that will truly make this a global platform for Indian food.

    We hope you like what we are presenting and would join our growing community of Indian food lovers. Don’t wait – join today. Our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/its.Potluck is frequently updated with food related news and exciting recipes so stay connected via facebook as well.

    If you face any challenges in registering please contact us at comments@itspotluck.com

    Thank you and looking forward to having you as part of itsPotluck community.

    Please ignore this email if you are already a member.


  • Pratibha says:

    Sudha, loved reading your blog, very helpful. As a mother to a child who cant take milk, how do you know that you are able to provide him with sufficient nutrients(specially calcium) without milk?

    • subha says:

      Thanks a lot Pratibha for taking the time to read through my blog. I am giving her calcium supplement and other calcium rich foods like Kale. It is not necessary that you need to have cow’s milk. There are other rich sources for calcium.

  • geetha says:

    hi subha i came to know about your blog through veg recipes of india . learned that u are a new blogger . im on my way start my food blog , but i dont know which theme would be good though genesis is the best i don’t know any css or html coding and how my blog layout looks like i saw that you are on simple catch theme is it a free theme or a paid one? which theme u r using genesis or thesis? is blog designed by a web designer? im clueless ? since u r a new blogger i thought u could help me out sorry for the long question? im going to visit all ur posts soon . dairy free concept is good. thanks a lot.

  • amanda says:

    Subha! I am a fellow foodie and recently learned I was allergic to milk 🙁 So frustrating. I love to try foods from all over- healthy wonderful creations across the world! Thank you for posting recipies that are INTERESTING and yummy… and dairy free. I just made a delish curried butternut squash with a non dairy cream to put on top. OMG… and then I found YOU! YAY!!!!

    • subha says:

      Hi Amanda, I am so overwhelmed..Honestly, I am feeling great after reading your comments and so happy that the blog is serving its purpose. I know how difficult it is to deal with an allergy but never mind, we can also have yummy treats (most of the time, they taste better than the normal ones). I cannot thank you enough for leaving such nice words for me to read early in the morning (yours was the first comment that I read after waking up) and I am super energetic to do more and more..

  • Ranjani says:

    Nice to know about you subha.. first time here.. you have wonderful collection of recipes. I really love your diary free theme. Surely it will help lots who are allergic towards diary..

  • Kiran Amin says:

    Hi..Subha ..I accidentally found your recipe blog…I am so happy that someone is actually writing dairy free recipes…even my daughter is allergic to dairy products and hydrogenated veg.oil. ..anyways…I just told her about this site and it feels so good. ..thanks a lot for what you are doing she can have eggs. But again when she was prescribed cod liver oil for her leg cramps. ..we discovered she is allergic to fish. .we are vegetarian. ..but eat eggs.
    I thot vegan don’t include eggs.
    Lately found out she has allergies to certain drugs as well.
    Thank you once again.

    • subha says:

      Hi Kiran, You made my day!!! I am so happy that my blog has really helped some one who was looking for dairy free recipes. That was the actual objective of starting this blog!!Thanks a lot for your kind words..I am so glad that you found the recipes useful. Do not worry. Some allergies will go off as the child grows up. Hope your little one outgrows hers as well. My best wishes..Do keep in touch…

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